Posts tagged Baby Registry
The Baer Minimalist's Twin Baby Registry

Registering for a baby (or two, in our case) can be daunting! It is a totally different experience than registering for a wedding, because there are so many foreign items that you are told you will need, but you have NO IDEA what they are used for.

So my #1 tip is to ask a friend for help, or utilize a resource like Lucie’s List. This was the best way to get a jump start on registering for me. I consulted their guide for twins and built my registry online through BabyList. What’s even better is that I only had to pop in to Buy Buy Baby once to “test-drive” strollers - because a store like that is completely overwhelming in my opinion for any first time mom-to-be.

For the most part, I was careful about what we registered for because I don't like a lot of clutter. I also didn't want to register for a lot of items that we wouldn't use within the first six months (i.e. high chairs, sippy cups, toddler toys, winter clothes, etc.). I am thankful that we did that because we received what we truly needed right at the beginning. 

We also did not know the gender of our babies until they were born, so I refrained from registering for a lot of clothes, toys, stuffed animals, blankets, teethers and books. Again, this helped us focus on essentials and gave us the chance to pick out these “fun” items once they were born. Of course, I saw tons of cute items along the way and just kept track of them on Pinterest pages dedicated to Baby Style and Baby Gifts.

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The Container Store