Time to Toss - Expiration Guidelines for Your Favorite Household Products

Pantries and bathrooms are some of my absolute favorite spaces to organize. Why, you ask?

Well, you just can’t argue with oregano that expired in 2012 or that Cajun Shrimp nail polish that is completely separated.

Whether you are working with a professional organizer, or trying to get started on your own, these are great spaces to get your feet wet when it comes to organizing. Pull everything out, check ALL of the expiration dates and get to tossing.

Having all of the expired products discarded allows you to see what needs to be replenished, but also gives a very true picture about what products you use and which ones you don’t.



Now you might be thinking, does that expiration date on my spice jar really matter? While it might not be as extreme as eating expired chicken, spices do lose their potency and flavor after a certain period of time. Here are some tips on keeping the spiciest spices in your home:

  • GROUND SPICES: 2 - 3 years

  • WHOLE SPICES: 3 - 4 years

  • SEASONING BLENDS: 1 - 2 years

  • HERBS: 1 - 3 years

Fresh Spices


Not only is your make-up less effective after it’s expiration date, you are also compromising its safety. You can find out how long your make-up lasts on each product - they typically have a small make-up jar on the label that has a number listed such as “12” or “24” letting you know how long this product lasts. Seriously, check out this visual below.

  • EYELINER: 6 months - 1 year

  • MASCARA: 3 - 6 months

  • POWDER COSMETICS (blush, eye shadow, etc): 1 - 2 years

  • FOUNDATION: 6 months - 2 years

  • LIPSTICK: 2 years

  • ”NATURAL PRODUCTS”: 3 - 6 months

  • PERFUME: up to 2 years (if stored properly)

Expired Product


Toiletries are another item that shocks a lot of people when it comes to how long some last and how quick some expire. If you think about it though, these items are getting a lot of use, coming in/out of bathrooms, and even traveling with us. From time to time we need to take a minute to check what items we might need to replace. 

  • SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER: 1 - 2 years opened (3 years unopened)

  • TOOTHBRUSH: 3 months

  • SHOWER SPONGE/LOOFAH: every 2 weeks (Oooph, this one surprised me too)

  • BAR SOAP: 18 months

  • CLEANSER: 2 years

  • FACE/EYE CREAM: 6 - 12 months

  • SUNSCREEN: 1 year (Make it a best practice to toss at the end of summer)

  • DEODORANT: up to 3 years

  • TOOTHPASTE: up to 2 years

  • LIQUID SOAP: up to 3 years

  • LOTION: up to 3 years

Organized Backstop Closet

Here’s a PRO TIP for handling all of these types of products in your home. Purchase a pack of labels and write the month you need to throw the product away. Stick it to the bottom of the jar or bottle (especially if you decant items into matching containers) and voila. You’ll never have to wonder if you bought an item 6 months or 5 years ago again.

The Baer Minimalist helps busy families create ORGANIZED + STYLIZED spaces and events throughout Indianapolis. 

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